Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 2023.19

Extension point config


Hold configuration for the Shibboleth Authentication Service. Contains: * the mapping between request headers and user fields * which header is used as user Id depending of the chosen IdP * the login / logout URLs for Shibboleth

A sample configuration could be:

    <extension point="config" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.shibboleth.service.ShibbolethAuthenticationService">
        <config headerEncoding="utf-8">
                <uidHeader idpUrl="https://specific.idp">differentUid</uidHeader>
            <fieldMapping header="uid">username</fieldMapping>
            <fieldMapping header="mail">email</fieldMapping>

Contribution Descriptors

  • Class: org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.shibboleth.service.ShibbolethAuthenticationConfig


No known contributions.